PubMed Advanced Multiple Keyword Search
An advanced search tool for PubMed.
In proteomic, genomic and transcriptomic analyses, one generally finds themselves with a list of genes/proteins
that you want to try to see if there is already published literature on coupled with some keywords (e.g. your gene or protein of interest).
This BioTool will allow you to couple a search query (Advanced PubMed queries are supported)
with a list of keywords (e.g your genes or proteins).
If no advanced tag is attached to your term, then the tag [Title/Abstract] will be used.
Your search term is linked to each keyword with the AND operator. Additionally, keywords have the [Title/Abstract] advanced tag attached if none is given in the keyword list.
Note : Each keyword imposes a delay of 0.3 seconds per PubMed search
So the more keywords you give, the longer it will take to return results.
Be patient and don't hit the "back" button!
So the more keywords you give, the longer it will take to return results.
Be patient and don't hit the "back" button!